[Marine] Tidix Exploration Log 1582

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Tidix  Exploration  Log 1582   By ( Ace_Barker ) 

System startup protocol engaged 

Booting Vital systems

Running Diagnostics 

Diagnostics complete

Log 1   Day 1  Time (900 Hrs )  

Hello my name is Ace Barker. I'm the head researcher for Tidix Exploration  number 1582.

I'm joined by Xeros  X-009 ( Shirako) and X-023 (stark) as assistant researchers and operations for the sub.

The goal for this mission is to dive to 3.9 km down below the boiling steam layer of this moon's water zone.  We will depart tomorrow at (1200 hr).    End log

Log 2  Day 2  Time ( 1300 hrs )


This is it.  We have departed from the staging area and are diving to the desired depth.  The water is clear and you can see for miles.  The water temp is 20 C* at 2 meters down.   End log

 Log 3  Day 2  Time (1500 hrs )    Water temp  10 C*  depth 2 km down 

Ok so we are about halfway to the desired depth.  Light is dimmer but can still reach this deep.  We are about to pass thro the boiling ring in this part of the ocean.   The water is bubbly but still clear down here.  No life spotted yet.   End log


Log 4   Day 2  Time (1800)   Water temp  -4 C ---Heater Active  depth  4km down   LOW LIGHT   GLOW TUBES ACTIVE    O2  80%   

 This is Shirako.  Ace is getting some time piloting through the dark water.    We found life down here.    These fish-like creatures are everywhere.   There is a grayish cobblestone color.  They range from 2 to 8 feet long.  Their bodies are translucent and emit a small amount of light.  It doesn't look like they need to move to breathe in this water.  It's a hydrogen rich environment with little to no oxygen to speak of.   Further research on them will commence tomorrow.   End log


Log 5  Day 3  Time ( 900hrs )  Water temp -5 C*  ---Heater Active  Depth  4.1 Km down   LOW LIGHT----GLOW TUBE   Inactive.

This is Xero- 023 (Stark)    We have continued to study this blob like fish creatures.  We now have one in the onboard observation chamber.  We have designated this as the Manet fish.  They weigh 10- 40 lbs and have a soft almost jello-like body that can squeeze through spaces half their size.  Their diet consists of proto plankton and the bioluminescent which would explain why they glow.    They do not breathe oxygen but hydrogen and produce O2 as a waste product. Further research on how this is possible will need to be conducted.    (Stark)/….(Ace)   

This is head researcher Ace.  These creatures are completely blind as there is no light down here.  I picked up what looks to be high pitched sound waves on the subs mic.  It looks like they use an advanced form of echo location to identify food and the environment around them.   They are found in colones of 2 to 10.  Their bodies are under immense pressure but due to their internal and external bodys being flexible  they are able to withstand the high pressures.    Their skin is covered in moving barbs to help capture their food.   We will be resurfacing in a few hours  after some more research and observation is done.  End Log

Log 6  Day 4  Water temp 10c*  Depth  + 5 above    power connected to main ship


Ace Barker ( 


We arrived back at the surface and are now packing to return to  Aluriza.   All files and documented photos will be stored in this memory log.  This research project was a flying success.  We have fully documented what we could with the spices we found down there and will return soon to figure out more.  This is Ace, Shirako, and Stark Barker signing off    End Log   

Mission Complete  all research files.    


System shutdown engaged.


[Marine] Tidix Exploration Log 1582
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In Expeditions ・ By Ace_Barker
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Submitted By Ace_Barker for Marine Expedition
Submitted: 3 years agoLast Updated: 3 years ago

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JaceTheThylacine Avatar

You’ll have to take a long decompression break, that was a lot of deep diving :3

2021-09-01 16:08:18

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