Trap Spider Vines

In Expeditions ・ By Jasper
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The following transcription was found at an abandoned Basecamp to an Alurizan Jungle Exploration Team. This is the last remaining evidence of AJET#300's existence.





[Day 1]


Overseer Bhaphon: Alurizan Jungle Exploration Team number three-zero-zero, Overseer Bhaphon Badge Number 6377649882 reporting. [Coordinates Redacted], on Day One of our ninety day research Expedition on Kiah. The team is bright eyed and bushy tailed, ready to gather new information for our jungle planet research. I may be at the top of my field but I must continue to watch evolution in action. I will return by the end of the week or if something out or the ordinary happens. Overseer Bhaphon signing out.





[Day 3]


OB: Alurizan Jungle Exploration Team number three-zero-zero, Overseer Bhaphon Badge Number 6377649882 reporting. [Coordinates Redacted], on Day Three our ninety day research Expedition on Kiah. We have documented several species of Flora and Fauna over the course of the past three days. Including but not limited to a large venomous rodent that feeds off the detritus layer, and a green bioluminescent fungus that we believe releases a wavelength chlorophyll can be activated from. We also-


[Another creature runs in from the camp door, it's lanky and has a trunk like nose]


OB: What is it Trinoff?


Trinoff: Excuse me for interrupting sir, but the scouts are back, claiming something abducted Entrant Nier into the canopy.


OB: Abducted by what? [Log ends]





[Day 7]


OB: Alurizan Jungle Exploration Team number three-zero-zero, Overseer Bhaphon Badge Number 6377649882 reporting. End of week one our ninety day research Expedition on Kiah. We have devoted our research team to finding out more on the 'Trap Spider Vines' as the scouts have been calling them. They claim to have lost at least two Entrants of the team, several others have been M.I.A after leaving camp.  


[Overseer Baphon Declares all missing and killed team members with identification numbers, redacted for respect to families]


OB: They appear to be hairy prehensile vines, when brushed grasp their prey firmly and pull to canopy layer. More research must be done to understand it's patterns. Unknown if it is a plant or animal, it appears to be heterotrophic. Scouts are heading to the canopy on day fifteen to recover our lost and find the roots. [Hands wipe face under Baphon's glasses] Why did I agree to this mission? Overseer Baphon, Signing out.





Day 10


Alurizan Jungle Exploration Team number three-zero-zero, Overseer Bhaphon Badge Number 6377649882 reporting. Day 10 of our ninety day research Expedition on Kiah. We have received samples of hair and venom from the vines, any attempts to further damage for a specimen sample ends in retaliation





Day 15


OB: Alurizan Jungle Exploration Team number three-zero-zero, Overseer Bhaphon. Day 15 our ninety day research Expedition on Kiah. An unexpected storm has prevented our recovery mission planned for today. As the winds have picked up we have locked down the port doors. We have been hearing howls and wails, Fredirik left on his own last night, hoping it was a survivor. We do not believe he will return alive. ~BZZZRT~





[Days 16 through 25 corrupted due to damage sustained to system]





Day 26


[Distant sounds of a young female sobbing, wailing]


OB[Showing sunken eye, disheveled]: Bhaphon Zerutian, Sole survivor of AJET#...being of competent will and Zerutian of competent and sound mind hereby declare my last will and testament. I give my entire estate to my daughter Eithu. Know she's uh-hundred'nd two but tell her I'm going home to Mommy. Daddy loves his little girl. Signing out. [Log immediately closes, over three hundred attempts to signal a distress call over the two days before the final log date]


[Found underneath video log, Notes scrawled hastily]





Known Traits


-Large vines have hairlike fibers not unlike some species of arachnids.


-Hairlike fibers sting, venom is nonlethal to large prey, causing rash if not treated.


-Vines seize prey, excrete digestive fluids? Unknown, cannot retrieve sample.


-Exclusive carnivore, only consumes live prey. Vines seize, bring to canopy layer, no corpses have fallen, symbiosis?







We have received knowledge now that these are a species of large carnivorous trap vines. Venom is non lethal to large prey, lethal to small prey. Paralytic and hallucinogenic, pollen is a mild hallucinogenic when inhaled however seeds are extremely toxic when ingested.  


The 'trunk' of the vines excrete digestive fluids that allow the absorption of nutrients. Wind blowing through reed like growths as well as air escaping their prey cause the howling that the research team had been hearing. Bones also cover trunk, securing it from damage due to outside sources. Large prey dies of shock or slowly due to dehydration and exposure.


Overseer Baphon's remains were returned to his remaining family. No other remains of AJET#300 were able to be recovered.

Trap Spider Vines
1 ・ 0
In Expeditions ・ By JasperContent Warning: Horror, distress, death
No description provided.

Submitted By Jasper for Jungle Expedition: SurveyView Favorites
Submitted: 2 years agoLast Updated: 2 years ago

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