[Gift] Xeros and Dragons: Sprigg's Recruitment

In Galactic Gift ・ By Meeko
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Xeros and Dragons


Character Leadup: Sprigg



Chirp chirp. Chirp chirp.

“Sprigg here.”
“Hey Sprigg, I thought that was you.”
“Thought what was me?” Sprigg turned and faced the holo. Sure enough, there was Meeko.
“I spotted you going around the food market the other day.”
Sprigg rolled her eyes and started digging under her bed, pulling out boxes of supplies to sort through. “Oh yeah? Why didn’t you say hi?”
“...You don’t remember me, do you?”
“Of course I remember you, Meeko, what do you take me for?”
Meeko smirked, still staring at the empty holo. “I dunno, I helped you on one gig, and I’m pretty sure that wasn’t the only gig you’re not allowed to talk about.”
“Why’re you calling me?” Sprigg dropped the box she was holding and stood up, and walked to the holo, almost irritably. It was true, she liked Meeko, the one time they met and worked, but it was circumstantial. Meeko was a medic, and he chose to stay a medic. “Well, originally I was just trying to build up the courage and decide whether to even ask you to join me for lunch.”
“Don’t make that face! I don’t mean alone, I was gonna make a little get together out of it. Boon needs to meet people that aren’t children, I’ve got a work friend, and somebody I meet at conventions, a little gather up of everybody I know that happens to be in the neighborhood. But then I was given an actual reason to call you.”
Sprigg groaned. “Please, please please please tell me that you’re not calling me because your other roommate didn’t do something that you need me to help fix.”
“Meeko! Are you really telling me that we met one time and you’re calling me to-”
“Shut it Sprigg! Jeez! I’m trying to be nice here.” Meeko was at the point of shouting and tugging hard on his ears in frustration. “Wish developed a ship to go and explore other worlds. The organization he’s with is assembling teams, and he asked me if I knew of any general purpose badasses. Obviously since you happened to be in town when he asked, you were the first person I thought of.”
Sprigg grinned and crossed her arms, snarkily strolling towards her holo phone. “Did you really just call me a badass?”
“Oh come on, don’t even act like that isn’t your job description.”
Sprigg made an overly dramatic, aghast face. “Okay, fine, you got me. What’s the gig exactly?”
“The words on the tin,” Meeko said. “General purpose badass. Keep the away team in one piece, keep things from getting violent when possible, neutralize threats when needed. With any luck there shouldn’t be problems, but they are looking for the best.”
“The best-”
“Do not rub that in!” Meeko laughed, shaking his head. “Come on.”
“Alright, alright, I’ll lay off,” Sprigg said. She leaned into the desk that was holding her holo phone and looked Meeko in the eye. “I’m in. Where do I go?”

[Gift] Xeros and Dragons: Sprigg's Recruitment
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In Galactic Gift ・ By Meeko

A little blurb of how Sprigg got assigned to the crew of the Spelljammer in Xeros and Dragons. It feels weird using Meeko as the point of contact, but it was just way too easy with Meeko's background as a hardcore field medic.

Submitted By Meeko for Galactic Gift
Submitted: 2 years agoLast Updated: 2 years ago

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[[Gift] Xeros and Dragons: Sprigg's Recruitment by Meeko (Literature)](https://projectxeros.org/gallery/view/4119)
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