[Survey] Beautiful Day
It was a beautiful day out.
Despite the warmer temperatures rolling in, there was still a small amount of snow outside of Nettle's home. He couldn't help but smile as he peered out the window. His tail flicked, joyfully, as he turned away and moved towards his desk. Once he was comfortable, Nettle carefully placed a fresh piece of paper onto the desk and grabbed a quill. He took a moment to stare at the blank page, considering the words that were soon to come.
Words flowed easily as he began to write. It wasn't anything particularly special, but it would be nice to look back on. Nettle stuck his tongue out as he worked, brow furrowing in focus. His hand glided easily over the paper as time flew by. He wrote in a simple cursive that was pleasant to look at, and easy to read- just the way he liked it! Sentences were masterfully crafted, and all thoughts were touched up on as he wrote.
With a smile, and a twinkle in his eye, Nettle finally placed the quill back into its holder. The once blank, white page was now filled with words. Satisfied with his work, Nettle carefully folded the paper and tucked it into an envelope. The envelope was then carefully sealed with a fresh, wax seal. A pine green wax with a leaf design in the middle was Nettle's signature seal.
Nettle flipped the envelope over and carefully wrote next year's date on the front, then labeled it "To: Future Nettle". The envelope was then placed in the desk's drawer. With a yawn and a stretch, Nettle stood from his chair. He returned to the window, fondness in his eyes as the sky darkened and small flakes of snow fell from the sky.
It truly was a beautiful day.
Submitted By Lapis01
for ARC Survey: 031
Submitted: 2 years ago ・
Last Updated: 2 years ago