Submission (#5770) Approved

27 November 2023, 20:11:36 EST (9 months ago)
28 November 2023, 23:51:36 EST (9 months ago) by Frouzon


The photo will be for two submission.
This is a collection of stretchy plastic recycling that I have in my house, from thing like bulk packaging, popped bubble wrap, ripped up plastic bags, ect. I can't put it in my curbside recycling but I can take it to my grocery store nearby so I can still recycle it. I reuse my plastic bags or use my reusable ones I keep in the car. I tend to reuse what I can.


Reward Amount
Prestige 5
Team Points 5



These items have been removed from the submitter's inventory and will be refunded if the request is rejected or consumed if it is approved.

Item Source Notes Quantity

magicalcattime's Bank

Currency Quantity