X-042: Safi

Owned by TuxedoDragon
Safi | she/her | ace lesbian | plant collector extraordinare

Safi is a curious Xero who is probably best known for her good nose; she picks up on the smells of food faster than most other Xeros would! She got into trouble back at the lab sometimes because of this, but most would say overall she's an honest, friendly character!

Her personality is best described as chill, down-to-earth, and amiable, and she has a tendency to romanticize the small things in life. She's equally comfortable going out on some far-flung adventure or staying at home. Despite her easy-going nature, she's got quite a bit of energy and has a pretty good work ethic, a lot of which is spent on cooking things up in the kitchen or tending to her plant collection.  Safi is *also* extremely sensitive, and easily gets her feelings hurt. She can sit and ruminate on a negative comment for a very long time.

Safi is currently employed as a field research tech for a lab documenting plant life on certain planets in the Alurizan Reserve, and is often sent out on assignments to collect and catalog samples. Her plant identification skills are a work in progress, but she's dedicated! Her nose is good at picking out edible plant matter, and as a result she's began her own personal log of edible plants found all around the reserve. She hopes to publish a guide for others to use some day.

She also takes classes part time to hone her knowledge of plant ecology and the like, so you may occasionally see her around in Harbor for a period. She has a small apartment there mostly populated with plants, particularly aromatic herbs.


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