Profile X-080: Count Zarovich

Owned by sythlend

Count Vasillios

Pronounced: VAS-SiLL-EE-OS

Pronouns: He/Him
Job: Night Cafe Owner
Hobbies: Creating New Teas / reading old history / watching old horror movies



Count Vasillios, somtimes called Count or Vas, is a very proper and old fasioned xero. He sits, stands, walks, and talks in a very old proper way with a slight british accent. He owns a late night cafe thats only open after the sun sets. Its built and decorated in a transylvania style. His most famous tea is the "Blood Moon Tea." 

He is also a very clean xero. He hates anything dirty. You will never find a plant, dust, or dirt in his cafe or home. He also hates bugs. What he enjoys most is sitting by his fireplace on a stormy night drinking hot tea and occasionally reading an old hisotry book. 

He's a difficult xero to get close to. But once someone breaks through his walls, he's a long term friend. Even though he is sometimes rude, proud, judgemental, and cold, he does appreciate his friends and only ever smiles when around them.


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