Profile X-154: CRYSTAL

Owned by Earth


She/her, Taken (Violet), Age: 27, Height & build: 4ft, curvy, wears a mood crystal or wish shards

Crystal is a Diva. peridot. She's very nitpicky with everything and everyone except with her big sister, Coral, and girlfriend, Violet.  She can be tempermental and difficult to get along with. Whenever Crystal's around, you'll wish she never sees you because she will talk dirt about whatever you're wearing. She'll go on and on about how well she takes care of her luscious hair and will scratch if anyone dares to touch it (except close friends). In other words, don't mess with Crystal. However, there is a glimmer of hope to befriend her.


Violet's kisses- I mean her cooking

Looking pretty

Talking about herself

Coral's plushie of herself

Dressing up xeros

Torini sweet bread

Walking down the beach (sunrises especially)

The color, aquamarine

Helping her Coral with work

Expensive shiny things she can't afford

Has a soft spot for younger xeros, but doesn't show it.





Not getting compliments

Hair being touched

Cheap stuff

Being called out on her bs

When something's not "perfect"

Spruce (but is softening up on him)

Potiential babysitter for the ARC???

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