Profile X-477: Onyx

Owned by FoxFangL-Wolf


Onyx does archival work for his partner, Angelo, that consists of conserving information of floral, fauna, and abnormalities found on Angelo's expeditions. Onyx makes polished artwork of Angelos' sketches and doodles and sometimes joins them on their expeditions.

In his freetime, he dabbles in painting and pottery, though the latter has been a learning curve for him. Often serious with his artwork, he prefers to be left alone while working and is always seen with his trademark red brush and ink dripping from his tail tufts.

Onyx tends to be very exuberant and a bit of a goofball while not working and loves to take Angelo to new places when they visit Torini. He's also an airhead and a clutz, leading to lots of knocked over paint jars and drinks.

He lives in a spacious flat in Torini that serves as his living quarters and art studio with access to the beach that he visits every morning to enjoy a cup of green tea. The studio is a bit messy with discarded sketch pages and paint splatter coating the floor like glitter.

His mortal enemy is art block. He personifies the art block, fighting it in a fierce battle with his brush to overcome it.

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