X-508: Verbena

Owned by eaglidots

Verbena, or Beanie as her friends call her, is an upbeat and energetic Xero who tries to make friends wherever she goes!

While she grew up in Aberion, Beanie is living in Torini and running a local cafe called Taste of Jurupa, which specializes in a variety of homemade drinks and foods like pastries and baked goods in an attempt to give people a taste of her hometown.
While there is a standard menu, the "Daily Special" is always changing based on the most fresh and interesting ingredients Verbena can get her hands on, so it's always worth seeing what's on the menu. Most of the ingredients for the cafe's food and drink comes from Beanie's personal garden! Outside of creating the new recipes, Beanie loves making silly names for them as well.

Verbena's cafe is run by a small staff, currently just herself and her apprentice, Galia, who she's happily teaching all her trade secrets to! Both she and Galia live in Verbena's apartment located directly above the cafe at the moment.

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