Jungle Expedition: Wrap Up

Posted 2 years ago :: Last edited 2 years ago by NeonSlushie
As Kiah enters the final phase of the restoration project, we reflect on the work that has led us to this point but also to what the future will hold here. The work done with the initial survey and logistics paved the way for the efficient canvasing of the ecosystem. This data allowed us to form an accurate assessment on the key stresses the rainforests were experiencing, fixing the biggest issues first if possible to curb the rate of collapse. New generation practices learned during the ongoing project XERO coupled with this data gave us a new powerful tool in the fight against extinction, allowing us the ability to introduce new organisms much more quickly by ensuring proper genetic dispersal through the environment.
The one draw back of these cutting edge techniques is it can often be quite resource-intensive to deploy prototype technology at scale. A problem perhaps for a lesser organization, it seems as though once again, our volunteers managed to provide for all the logistical needs of this deployment, through resourcefulness, skill, and community; Alurizans make it happen! 
With that development, I am happy to announce that Kiah has now reached ecological stability! It will take some time for the damage to fully heal, but it has been returned to proper biodiversity levels, and biomass will return on its own; it is a resilient world. Kiah is once again free to live as it pleases, in no small part thanks to all of your hard work! For now, we will keep monitoring for long term health and stability, to make sure it can rest without further protuberance.
ACS Secretary
🌴 🍃 🌳 🌺 🌴 🍃 🌳 
Thank you all SO much for your incredible work in revitalizing the jungles of Kiah! Remember that the prompts close TODAY (05/05) at 11:59pm EST! Get! Those! Guys! In!
🌴 Jungle Expedition: Survey - Draw or write about a new species of flora or fauna discovered in the dense foliage of Kiah!
🐅 Jungle Expedition: Report - Write a short paper on a real-life jungle species & earn rewards!
🍃  Jungle Expedition: Protect - Send a donation to Rainforest Trust & get some exclusive rewards.
All information for Jungle Expedition prompts can be found HERE!
🌴 🍃 🌳 🌺 🌴 🍃 🌳 
🌳 As a thank you for everyones hard work, there is a free present in the Arc Lab! It will only be around for 24 hours so grab it quick! What is inside??? 
✈️ Our scientists at the Arc Labs have also discovered a completely new trait for Xeros: The plume tail! 
Biting into a tart Spice Plum will cause a Xero to develop a long flat fluffy tail resembling a skunk or squirrel! 🦨 ✨
🌳 Want a bite of this new fruit? (And all the other delicious treats from this event?) You’re in LUCK! Right now, the Arc Lab is selling all the berries discovered during this event (Dazzle, Plume, Horizontal pupils) for only 5 Prestige each! What a steal! 
Limit 2 of each berry per user, we only collected so much! If you missed out on the prompts, this is a perfect way to stock up! The shop will have these for 24 hours so act fast!



🌴 🍃 🌳 🌺 🌴 🍃 🌳 
🌳✈️ And now a word from one of our top scientists! ✈️🌳
In our many exploits during this journey, we have discovered the Volan, a new creature discovered on Kiah by the expedition team. In the process of sequencing Volan specimens for genetic comparison, it was noted by Dr. Nocin that some of its attributes might be compatible with current project XERO goals. Specifically, the patagium as well as its mixotrophic nature in its plant mutualism. They predict it might be possible to sequence both of these traits to form a new type of Xero…
✈️ Ah! I’m getting a memo here… it seems like the ARC lab is preparing… a demonstration of what they have discovered… Tomorrow??? 
Ok ok… let me continue ahem. 
🌳 It looks like… Tomorrow (05/06) at 12pm PST/3pm EST there will be an Auction on twitter! 
✈️ Looks like the SB will be 50 USD and there will be no AB! Special! 
I don’t have much to share with you but the scientists did give me… this photo! (Can they get a better camera?) 
Guess you all need to find out what this is all about with me! Thanks for bearing with me and I’ll see you all tomorrow!




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