
<a href=" Bait Ball" class="display-item">Affocato Bait Ball</a>

Affocato Bait Ball

Category: Key Items

Artist: JollyMutt

This bait ball has a strong affocato scent. Other animals may not like it but Koronoks are sure to LOVE it! You can attach a bait ball to a trap for a better chance of capture.

<a href="" class="display-item">Affocato</a>


Category: All-Season Produce

Artist: JollyMutt

Resale Value: 150 Prestige

A mushroom with hard fruiting bodies attached to the gills. They can be removed and roasted to produce a full-bodied beverage with a high caffeine content. If allowed to spore, it creates a catnip-like effect on smaller mammals.

Gives a Xero the Felis Tail trait!

Can be obtained by foraging.


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